2022 BBO Entries Deadline - Final Reminder


This is a final reminder that the primary deadline for entries for the 2022 BBO Championships is midnight on Sunday, 6th November. No entries will be accepted after that date. The secondary deadline for the resolution of outstanding entry issues is: midnight on Monday, 14th November. As a reminder below is a copy of the original notice sent out on Monday, 10th October.

Below are links to download the 2022 BBO Championships Entry Notice including the forms to be completed and returned by clubs no later than Sunday, 6th November 2022 along with the applicable fees as detailed in the accompanying table. Please be aware that there is a volunteers requirement to enable the 2022 Championships to go ahead as indicated under the Volunteers section and Volunteers Form of the 2022 BBO Affiliation & Entry Notice. In addition, a .csv template file is also supplied to be used to prepare and submit your club's 2022 BBO Championship team and athlete entries by that same deadline.

Please Note:
If the entries have been updated using an Apple computer please double-check the dates are correct and in the correct format before submitting the entries.
Dates of Birth Tip: Enter the dates of birth into a raw text editor (Notepad (Windows), TextWrangler (Mac), etc for example) and then copy/paste them from there into the .csv file. That way the correct dates will be preserved.

If anyone has problems accessing the entry documents or needs assistance please do not hesitate to contact Dene either by email (Entries & Results Secretary - entries <at> bbocca.uk) or by telephone on 01235 868111.

Thank you for your attention.

Next 2022 BBO Championships Entry Deadline Reminder